Thursday, March 26, 2015

BIG Butts and a Coke Bottle Shape

In todays society it is all about BIG BUTTS and a coke bottle shape. Women are forcing their bodies to bend in ways that are extremely unnatural. Lets take the waist trainer for instance. Women having a hips size 36 but the waist size 28. IT IS UNATURAL! It was used in the 1800s for women to look as slim as they could in their ball gowns but not for everyday use. It is not just the waist trainer, it is also the plastic surgery to get big butts and huge breast. Everyone woman wants the body but doesn’t want to work for it. There is only one female I know who did not get plastic surgery but actually worked for the buddy she has. She gained the weight and then lost it the healthy way and that’s “Buffy the Body”. Now I don’t think that this idea of the “perfect body” is in every celebrity dreams. Mostly in the dreams of the generation that I am in. That is all you see is women with big fake butts and even bigger fake boobs. Don’t get me wrong there are plenty of other women that are just as glamorized as these women with big butts but they usually aren’t black women (I’ll save that topic for another day). These women get famous over their body and have not a bone of talent in their bodies. But as long as their bodies are worth drooling over, these women will always be in the limelight. The Kardashians are the best example for this this topic. I am not talking about all of them but mostly Kim and Khloe maybe the younger ones as well. If you look at pictures from when they first came on the scene they looked like average women. Once they got a butt and bigger boobs they became constantly the center of attention. Women have always had big butts and a coke bottle shape but this generation doesn’t require them to have anything else. Sinbad couldn’t have said it better than anyone else. We all like big butts and we cannot lie but that cannot be the only thing we like.


  1. I agree with what you are saying here. Nowadays many women are idolized for the way they look, and not for having actual talent, such as the Kardashians as you mentioned. Often these looks are not achievable without having a ton of plastic surgery, but many times these surgeries are harmful and can turn out making women look unnatural. For instance, Heidi Montage has had several issues since her 2010 surgery when she underwent ten different cosmetic procedures at once. Here is a video from when she had surgery again in 2014 to fix the problems associated with her breast implants from her previous surgery-

    Also, as you said many women want the look without having to do anything. I have noticed among my friends and people on social media, that waist trainers, Advocare, and different types of weight lose wraps have become very popular in the past year or so. Instead of working out and developing a healthy diet, people would rather pay hundreds of dollars for the easy way out. This is a problem for many reasons, but mainly because it is a vicious cycle. For example, Advocare has a 24 day challenge full of meal replacements. After the 24 days, if you do not continue to work out or learn how to eat healthy, you will just have to do another challenge in a few months. I think these “easy way out” methods are harmful to women, especially since they are not encouraging anyone to live a healthier life, just to continue to buy their products.

  2. I agree with what you are saying about this topic. The view of women in media causes a lot of young women and girls to feel very insecure about themselves. This causes females to take drastic measures in order to reach these limits in order to be accepted by their peers or by society as a whole. Women everywhere should feel that they are beautiful no matter how they look but if they do not see themselves portrayed in the media to an extent, they will always feel that something is wrong with them and try to look like celebrities or models. I also think that this sets unrealistic expectations for men. Men will see women in these magazines and on TV and begin to expect more women to look like this in everyday life when in most cases women will look nothing like this. This causes men to disrespect and possibly even discriminate against women who they feel are not beautiful. This then leads to women who will lose respect for themselves due to their lack of acceptance and could cause them to be exploited by people that then leads to further sadness within someone's mind.

  3. The first picture freaked me out a bit. She looks like a cartoon! Or a doll. I actually didn't know anything about waist trainers before this post. It was quite enlightening. I do find it sad that women feel the need to change their bodies, usually a painful and expensive process, just to be 'beautiful' (and by that I mean society's standard of beauty). However, if it was all their choice, and not drilled into their minds by media, it might not be as bad (though it would still be painful and expensive). Anyway, this is an unfortunate trend that makes women feel ugly if they do not fit this mold of big butts and tiny waists.

  4. I totally agree with what you are saying in this article. Women are forced into believing that they need to fit into this mold society has created in order to be beautiful or wanted by men. There is so much pressure out on young girls and young women to be and look perfect. We also have to act perfect too, don't we. Girls are shown countless images of celebrities with plastic surgery that made them go from beautiful to silicon train wreck. These images of women nearly naked and surgically enhanced as well as photo-shopped to hell and think they are not good enough. It's complete bullshit that we live in a society where good enough is not good enough.
    Sarah, what you said made me laugh so much! She really does look like a cartoon! I also didn't know anything about waist trainers before this post. It is really quite alarming to me that someone would go to this extreme in order to look a certain way.

  5. Unfortunately this is the sad truth or our reality today. Women are not being glorified for talent or intellectual skills, but merely for the deformity of their bodies. What does this tell children? That their natural body they were born with isn’t good enough for the world, you are ugly until you can save up all your birthday money for plastic surgery. In all honesty I believe that these women think of themselves as ugly. There is no other reason for someone to alter their bodies with a scalpel unless they thought something was wrong with them. Surgery is men to fix something that is broken or wrong in our bodies. That includes things like tumors, aneurisms, internal bleeding, serious matters that can bring or end life. For someone to get surgery they are obviously convinced something is wrong with their physical appearance to the point they need to pay money to be cut open. These are women that are put on a pedestal and admired by other young women. Why should someone with low self-esteem, and not mentally stable, wanting to make themselves unnatural to be admired or in the forefront of beauty? In the article we read in class, it explains that the younger children accept these values they will be more likely to become “Botox Babies”

  6. Unfortunately this is the sad truth or our reality today. Women are not being glorified for talent or intellectual skills, but merely for the deformity of their bodies. What does this tell children? That their natural body they were born with isn’t good enough for the world, you are ugly until you can save up all your birthday money for plastic surgery. In all honesty I believe that these women think of themselves as ugly. There is no other reason for someone to alter their bodies with a scalpel unless they thought something was wrong with them. Surgery is men to fix something that is broken or wrong in our bodies. That includes things like tumors, aneurisms, internal bleeding, serious matters that can bring or end life. For someone to get surgery they are obviously convinced something is wrong with their physical appearance to the point they need to pay money to be cut open. These are women that are put on a pedestal and admired by other young women. Why should someone with low self-esteem, and not mentally stable, wanting to make themselves unnatural to be admired or in the forefront of beauty? In the article we read in class, it explains that the younger children accept these values they will be more likely to become “Botox Babies”
