Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Mainstream Ruins EVERYTHING!

Mainstream television ruins EVERYTHING! Why do I say this? Well let me explain, there were shows that I loved on YouTube and some I could care less for that are now on TV. BLAH! I loved Kids React which was Teens React and even Elders React. These videos were people reactions to some of the craziest and weirdest things on the internet. From possessed videos to the Friday video. The reactions of these people were hilarious. But now it is on Nickelodeon SMH. Now don’t get me wrong the first time I saw the commercial I got excited because it was one of my favorite things to look at on YouTube but the show was TRASH! Just garbage, I felt like Nick just tried to find the cutest kids to say comments that seemed like they were told to say to be funny and cute. Which was not the case at all. Another show they took off of YouTube was The AnnoyingOrange which is on Cartoon Network. I didn’t find this show funny on YouTube and it is less funny on TV if that is even possible. They even took Fred from YouTube and gave him a show and about 3 movies which were funny well at least the first one. They also turned him into a show which I think only lasted one season because that too was trash. I’m not sure what these network producers are doing taking amazing shows on YouTube and trying them into some mainstream garbage. It sucks that money can make anyone do something which is the complete opposite of how the original show is conducted. It reminds me of this iCarly episode where a network brought her show and changed the whole concept to the point where she tried to get out of the contract but she was trapped. (iCarly was an amazing show by the way) I bet this happens with a lot of youtube shows that get brought by big TV networks. The worst part is that when they get brought out they have to give up their rights to the show and the concept altogether. Sometimes I wish money wasn't the motive, but I should be crazy for thinking like this…


Have a Happy Period!

You know what really grinds my gears America?! These freaking tampons and pads commercials! I hate the fact that all the females are always happy and smiling. Like no one is that excited about a cycle unless they are having a pregnancy scare. We all hate it; so who idea is it to have these commercials where women are running around smiling and happy? I think, matter of fact I know these commercials were the idea of a man. It has to be, because NO women in her right mind is that happy about a cycle. Now don’t get me wrong we all don’t have bad cycles, but we all at least have mood swings, cramps, bloating, or fatigue and the worst one of all... CRAVINGS! WE all experience at least one of these things! SMH! I just wish these companies would at least have one real commercial showing the true effects of a cycle. What I see on TV is NOWHERE close to the truth not even a little bit. I feel like every female can agree that those commercials are ridiculous and should be taken off the air. Maybe just maybe if they put a real commercial up guys could actually see what we go through on a monthly basis. You could never be happy with it and the worst part is it only stops when you are old or pregnant. Somebody! Anybody! Please get this blog to the people who make Always pads and Tampax tampon. Don’t even get me on the topic of tampons because I think that is the worst thing known to man. That’s another topic for a different day. I am not asking for a lot just a real representation of what a cycle really does to women. Show the stress and heartache and pain we go through on a monthly basis. Show how one minute we laugh and 2.4 seconds later we want to ripe someone’s head off. It’s a deep and painful process to a cycle for many and it sucks that they have to watch commercials of women smiling and having a jolly ole time when in reality that is not even remotely true!


Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Age ain't nothing, but a number!


Age ain’t nothing, but a number; so is the 6x8 jail cell you will be in if you mess with a minor. Where am I going with this; well guys have been going with much younger females in the history of entertainment. We can look at some couples today and see the age difference such as Beyoncé and Jay-Z, which is a twelve-year age difference. Megan Fox and Brian Austin is a thirteen-year age difference. Now I shouldn’t care how many years they are apart (which I actually don’t) but what I do care about is when one of the people involved in the relationship is a minor. R. Kelly was twenty-seven when he started dating Aaliyah who was only fifteen years old. Fifteen years old like how can you find a 10th grader attractive when you are pushing the age of thirty. R. Kelly even wrote and produced a song that was sung by Aaliyah called “Age ain’t nothing, but a number”. They even got married when she was still underage. Now we have Tyga and Kylie Jenner who is dating while he is twenty-five and she is seventeen. Just image that when he was eight years old she was just a newborn. It’s a little startling that our society is comfortable with a much older man dating a minor but guys who are nineteen can go to jail for dating a sixteen year old. I do believe that is more acceptable but society doesn’t. Kylie or Aaliyah was not old enough to buy cigarettes but their “boyfriends” were old enough to buy alcohol. Don’t get me wrong there are some cougars out there that have married young men. If you don’t know what cougars are, they are older women who date young guys in some cases that could be their son. We could look at Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher with a fifteen-year difference. Technically she could have just had him at an early age because fifteen years is still a huge difference. It’s from being in first grade to being a junior in college. We don’t look at these situations as being wrong or weird when they are both legal. This Tyga and Kylie Jenner case is just plain sickening. I wonder if he goes to teen clubs with her because she isn’t allowed in 18 and older ones. The face of Tyga at the picture below looks like he knows he is going to jail.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

If She's 13, than I'm 13!

“If she’s 13, then I’m 13 too” I always see this on Twitter and Instagram of some guy who posts a picture of some girl that’s 13 but she looks like she’s 20. It is crazy that in this society girls who are 13 have on “skimpy” clothing and “booty shorts”. Like c’mon society let these children be children! I remember when I was in the 12th grade and I was working at JcPenny in the children’s department. My guy cousin grabbed these tiny little girl shorts and a two-piece bathing suit and he said “see this is why we have pedophiles because people dress their little girls like grown women”. Now this statement was pretty extreme, but he had a point. Why do people dress their little girls in clothing that makes them look so much older? Let these little girl play with dolls until they get tired and want to stop. Don’t force this grown up clothing on them. You dress you children and even if you don’t I doubt if these little girls who are 7 or 8 only want to wear “booty shorts” and “skimpy” clothing. I can’t speak for everyone but I truly do appreciate my mom and the way she dressed me. The way you dress your daughter can affect the way that she grows up to be. Not saying that clothing can dictate the way a child grows but clothing can make them seem more mature than what they truly are. Just a few days ago my mom and I seen a little girl about four years old and she had on these tiny shorts and a little t-shirt. It looked as though she was walking around in Target with just her underwear on. All we could so was shake our heads in the disbelief. It is not just with females though it is also with males and how their mothers are dressing them like teenage boys rather than little boys. Kids now a day doesn’t have flowers on their shirts or trucks on their shorts. Maybe I am taking this whole clothing thing out of content, but our parent’s generation dressed their children like children rather than mini adults.


Thursday, April 9, 2015

#TeamLightskin vs #Teamdarkskin

Every since slavery there has been a comparison between dark skin blacks and light skin blacks. Even though slavery ended over a century ago, society cannot get over the idea of dark skin vs. light skin. Even as my mom was growing up she would always hear “you are pretty for a dark skin girl”. Like who wants to hear that all the time. I bet you are wondering what does that have to do with society today. Well in todays culture this is a huge problem going on in the black community. It is worse with men than it is with women. When it comes to light skin and dark skin women it usually have to do with looks and beauty and that is about it. Well when it comes to black males it is about looks, but also about how light skin males are considered to be “soft” and “feminine”. The dark skin males are thought out to be tougher and stronger. The list could go on and on about how these two “groups” of black people could be so different, but when filling out papers we all check the box that says “Black American”. The whole ideology of dark skin vs. light skin was a way for slave owners to diminish the black culture and keep them separated and weak in the mind and spirit. All this does it make the self hatred and discrimination and racism grow in the black community. Why we are still doing this in 2015 baffles me. Why are lighter skin women considered prettier than darker skin women in the 21st century? It is because the media and society still have us thinking that being fully black or dark skin is not attractive. I couldn’t tell you how times a day do I hear someone say that light skin girls are so pretty and nothing looks better than them. Now don’t get me wrong my significant other is light skin but that is not why we are dating. Skin color had nothing to do with it at all, the personality was simply amazing. Which is surprising because they say light skin girls don’t answer text messages or phone calls. We need more of what the bottom picture is saying rather than hating those who are different from us. When we are dividing ourselves up as a race and because of that we are now inferior to the other races. WE have too get out of this slave mindset because it is destroying us. At the end of the day no matter what complexion your skin is, we would all be slaves, the only difference is if you were a house or field one.


Thursday, March 26, 2015

BIG Butts and a Coke Bottle Shape


In todays society it is all about BIG BUTTS and a coke bottle shape. Women are forcing their bodies to bend in ways that are extremely unnatural. Lets take the waist trainer for instance. Women having a hips size 36 but the waist size 28. IT IS UNATURAL! It was used in the 1800s for women to look as slim as they could in their ball gowns but not for everyday use. It is not just the waist trainer, it is also the plastic surgery to get big butts and huge breast. Everyone woman wants the body but doesn’t want to work for it. There is only one female I know who did not get plastic surgery but actually worked for the buddy she has. She gained the weight and then lost it the healthy way and that’s “Buffy the Body”. Now I don’t think that this idea of the “perfect body” is in every celebrity dreams. Mostly in the dreams of the generation that I am in. That is all you see is women with big fake butts and even bigger fake boobs. Don’t get me wrong there are plenty of other women that are just as glamorized as these women with big butts but they usually aren’t black women (I’ll save that topic for another day). These women get famous over their body and have not a bone of talent in their bodies. But as long as their bodies are worth drooling over, these women will always be in the limelight. The Kardashians are the best example for this this topic. I am not talking about all of them but mostly Kim and Khloe maybe the younger ones as well. If you look at pictures from when they first came on the scene they looked like average women. Once they got a butt and bigger boobs they became constantly the center of attention. Women have always had big butts and a coke bottle shape but this generation doesn’t require them to have anything else. Sinbad couldn’t have said it better than anyone else. We all like big butts and we cannot lie but that cannot be the only thing we like.


Tuesday, March 10, 2015


The idea of today’s blog post came from my cousin and an issue he has faced for years. My cousin is a Brony and if you do not know what that is I will tell you. A Brony is a teenage or adult male that is a HUGE fan of the show My Little Pony (which is actually an amazing show in my opinion). These guys get a lot of heat for liking a show that was created for little girls. It gets to the point where these Bronies are being called pedophiles, future child molesters, and even fags because they enjoy watching this show. Now don't get me wrong, I thought it was weird the first time my cousin had me watching My Little Pony with him at 19 years old. However, after a few episodes, I really started enjoying the show and became a fan of the character Rainbow Dash. Although I only watch it with him, I do very much enjoy the show. The issue that I have is that these men are being stereotyped because the type of tv show that they like is directed towards young girls. This show has a lot of action and some good morals and lessons that it teaches kids. Yes, it is aimed from girls age five to ten and it is not like an R Rated movie or an exclusive club. Anyone can watch the show because it is on Netflix and HUB, which is accessible via the web. I feel that people who give Bronies a hard time are just people who have never watched the show or are uncomfortable with themselves. At the same time, our society is forced to make men as "manly" as they can be. Violence, power, and aggression is highly acceptable when it comes to grown men. However, all three categories are found in the show, which people tend to ignore. This is because people become blind to what they do not want to see. People see pink everywhere and rainbows and think the worst of these men who are usually innocent fans of a catchy show. I guess it is a problem because the complete opposite thing of being a "manly" man is being a little girl.
When I was a young girl, I was a big fan of the Simpsons, which didn't seem like an issue to society. It's never really an issue when anyone wants to be "manly" but when the tables turn, then people are bashed for what they enjoy. We give the “okay” for females that like things that are designed for males but we shun males when the roles are switched. As a society, we should learn not to always judge others and keep opinions to ourselves because at the end of the day people are going to do what they want to do. I support the Brony movement!

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