Every since slavery there has been a comparison between dark
skin blacks and light skin blacks. Even though slavery ended over a century
ago, society cannot get over the idea of dark skin vs. light skin. Even as my
mom was growing up she would always hear “you are pretty for a dark skin girl”.
Like who wants to hear that all the time. I bet you are wondering what does
that have to do with society today. Well in todays culture this is a huge
problem going on in the black community. It is worse with men than it is with
women. When it comes to light skin and dark skin women it usually have to do
with looks and beauty and that is about it. Well when it comes to black males
it is about looks, but also about how light skin males are considered to be
“soft” and “feminine”. The dark skin males are thought out to be tougher and
stronger. The list could go on and on about how these two “groups” of black
people could be so different, but when filling out papers we all check the box
that says “Black American”. The whole ideology of dark skin vs. light skin was
a way for
slave owners to diminish the black culture and keep them separated
and weak in the mind and spirit. All this does it make the self hatred and discrimination and racism grow in the black community. Why we are still doing this in 2015 baffles
me. Why are lighter skin women considered prettier than darker skin women in
the 21
st century? It is because the media and society still have us
thinking that being fully black or dark skin is not
attractive. I couldn’t tell
you how times a day do I hear someone say that light skin girls are so pretty
and nothing looks better than them. Now don’t get me wrong my significant other
is light skin but that is not why we are dating. Skin color had nothing to do
with it at all, the personality was simply amazing. Which is surprising because they
say light skin girls don’t answer text messages or phone calls. We need more of what the bottom picture is saying rather than hating those who are different from us. When we are dividing ourselves up as a race and because of that we are now inferior to the other races. WE have too get out of this slave mindset because it is destroying us. At the end of
the day no matter what complexion your skin is, we would all be slaves, the only difference is if you were a house or field one.
https://differentcolors2013.wordpress.com/2013/09/08/light-skin-vs-dark-skin/ |
I completely agree with your post. The history of this topic is too much for a comment. I think the influence of social media has on this has mad it bigger than what it should be. There really shouldn't be a debate at all, but it's an entire generation of self hatred. The idea of a feud between two different skin tone in ONE race is idiotic. Social media is used as a way to express ones feeling ideas and thoughts, when this topic comes ti mind its all jokes. This isn't a joke, people have to go through defeating this mindset everyday. Maybe one of these day people will wake up and see that they're all tied by the common race and use social media to build one another up instead of criticizing.